Heatley Secondary College
Heatley Proud Learners where ‘Our Future is Our Focus’ – a whole-school approach to nurturing and maximising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ social, emotional and physical wellbeing
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Heatley Secondary College has developed an integrated, whole-school approach to learning, wellbeing and behaviour in response to the complex and diverse needs of students enrolled at the school. The program is focused on nurturing learners who are aspirational, inclusive, responsible, respectful and resilient. The school has a range of effective practices to support students at risk of disengaging from learning, a co-teaching model to support students with disability, disaggregation of data to inform interventions and comprehensive case management to support engagement, wellbeing and academic outcomes.
The school has also established an extensive range of partnerships with community organisations, businesses and local schools. These are of great benefit to student wellbeing, academic success and transitions to post-school destinations. Students describe feeling valued and heard and welcome the opportunities the school provides to build their identity, connect with their culture and language, and strengthen their engagement in their learning.
As a result, safe, supportive and inclusive environments have been created to improve transition and retention outcomes, and the school continues to build a positive and inclusive reputation within the wider community.
Koolkan Aurukun State School
Creating safe, supportive and inclusive environments that enhance engagement
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Koolkan Aurukun State School’s work to enhance student engagement and nurture social, emotional and physical wellbeing has demonstrated positive outcomes with children/youth and families who experience barriers to engaging with school life. Through their Family Champions initiative, the school approaches case management of students in need through the lens of family groups. Each identified student has a Family Champion who helps to connect the school and family to enact support strategies.
The initiative is grounded in strengths-based methods that acknowledge the resources that exist within family and community. The Family Champion initiative is a powerful way of strengthening and deepening community partnerships and privileging understanding and respect. The Family Champion can assist in helping the lived experiences of family members to become visible to school staff. The Family Champions are community members, endorsed by the family of the child or young person who has been identified for case management support. Family Champions are instrumental in assisting students to re-engage with school or other options and they have been integral to linking families and schools to external agencies. Overall, the capacity of families and school staff to engage with each other and form community in culturally meaningful and safe ways has been enhanced by the role of the Family Champions.